With vaccines under development for COVID-19, a news report is making rounds according to which Pune and Mumbai will get the first supplies of coronavirus vaccine after it’s launch.
The headline of the article in Hindi read: “दे’खिए भारत में कि’स शहर में रहने वाले लोगों को सबसे पहले दी जा’एगी को’रोना वै’क्सीन’
(Translation: See, which Indian city will get the COVID-19 vaccine first)
The article further read: भारत में इस वैक्सीन के आने पर सबसे पहले इसे पुणे और मुंबई में सप्लाइ किया जाएगा और वहाँ के लोगों को इसकी सुविधा पहले मिलेगी।
(Translation: On arrival of this vaccine in India, it will first be supplied in Pune and Mumbai and people there will get the facility first.)
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NewsMobile fact-checked the above article and found it to be misleading.
After going through the whole article, we put some keywords such as ‘Coronavirus’, ‘COVID-19’, ‘Vaccine’, ‘Serum Institute’, ‘Oxford University’ ‘Mumbai’, ‘Pune’, through a Google search. The search results led us to a PTI report on the website of India News dated July 23, 2020.
According to the report, Serum Institute of India (SII) was quoted as saying, ‘by end of August, between 4,000 to 5,000 people in Pune and Mumbai will be injected with the vaccine as part of trials that are scheduled to last over two months.’
Though towards the end, the article in question in hindi has mentioned that the clinical trials will be conducted on 4000-5000 people in Mumbai and Pune, however, the headline and first half of the news report makes it misleading for the readers.
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