Don't believe the FAKE news of 9-YO Quaden Bayles committing suicide

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Following the video of a nine-year-old boy, Quaden Bayles went viral in which he described his bullying incident, a video has surfaced on the internet with BBC logo claiming that ‘Bayles killed himself’.

The headline read: “The BULLIED 9-yrs oId Boy ‘Quaden BayIes’, KlLLED himself, Left a ‘Suicide VIDEO’ in his Phone and Sent to Everyone at his School after BULLYING Worsens. – BBC NEWS”

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NewsMobile fact-checked the above video and found the claim attached to it to be FAKE.

While there’s a ‘BBC News’ logo on the top, the link is

On playing the video, a news anchor appears and says “Police find a body of a nine-year-old bo..” and the video stops midway with a warning message which reads- “This video may show graphic content (18+) Share to continue watching.”

Our investigation confirms that the news bulletin has no connection with Quaden Bayles.
Moreover, several news reports confirm that Quaden Bayles is doing fine.

In conclusion, the above information confirms that the news of Quaden Bayles committing suicide is FAKE.

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