Following Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s appeal to people to switch off their lights on Sunday, to show solidarity over the Coronavirus issue, a message is going viral according to which ‘there will be a major impact on the Electricity Grid throughout the country when lights will be switched off’.
The message further advises people ‘to progressively reduce lights starting 15 minutes before 9 pm, and after the 9 minute period again take about 15 minutes to switch them on to minimise the effect’.
The viral message read: “There will be a major impact on the Electricity Grid throughout the country when lights are switched off on 5th at 9 pm as requested by PM.
To minimise its effect please progressively reduce lights starting 15 minutes before 9 pm, and after the 9 minute period again take about 15 minutes to switch them on.
This will give the System Controls time to adjust and match supply and demand to prevent surges and system shocks.
It is not a good idea to switch all appliances off as that would make the change in demand levels more severe. So do keep fans, air cons, fridges etc on.”
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NewsMobile fact-checked the above claim and found it to be misleading.
The government agencies assured that there is no need to take any precautions while turning off the lights.
The Press Information Bureau (PIB) in a tweet clarified that there is ‘no need to worry as adequate protocols/arrangements are in place to handle the variation in demand when people switch off their lights for #9Baje9Minutes’.
#PIBFactCheck : No need to worry, adequate protocols/arrangements are in place to handle the variation in demand when people switch off their lights for #9Baje9Minutes tomorrow ie Sunday on the PM’s appeal to show solidarity over #Covid_19india #IndiaFightsCorona
— PIB India 🇮🇳 #StayHome #StaySafe (@PIB_India) April 4, 2020
Hence, the above information proves that the viral forward is False.
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