A message is being circulated on the social media with a claim that a separate regiment called the ‘Himachal Regiment’ has been approved and its new headquarters will be at Kangra in Himachal Pradesh.
“हिमाचली युवाओं को हार्दिक बधाई,
हिमाचल रेजीमेंट को मिली मंजूरी
काँगड़ा में होगा हिमाचल रेजीमेंट का हैडक्वार्टर, 9 कोर के अंडर होगी रेजीमेंट, 20 साल बाद सच होगा सपना ।
सूत्रो के अनुसार हिमाचल रेजीमेंट को मजूंरी दे दी गई है। हिमाचल रैजीमेंट का मुख्यालय काँगड़ा जिला में होगा और यह रेजीमेंट 9 कोर के अधीन होगी। इस रेजीमेंट में हिमाचल प्रदेश और जम्मू कशमीर के पहाड़ी युवक ही भर्ती होंगे। सैन्य आधिकारी सीधी परीक्षा से आएंगे, जबकि सिपाही से लेकर सूबेदार तक हिमाचल प्रदेश, जम्मू- कशमीर के पहाडी जिलों व पजांब के पठानकोट से भर्ती होंगे. पठानकोट जिला की सिर्फ पठानकोट तहसील के युवाओं की ही भर्ती होगी।” – the message read.
(Translation: Hearty congratulations to the youth of Himachal. Himachal Regiment has been approved. Himachal Regiment will have its headquarters at Kangra, the regiment will be under 9 Corps, the dream will come true after 20 years.
According to the sources, the Himachal Regiment has been approved. The Headquarters of the Himachal regiment will be held in Kangra district and the regiment will be under the 9 Corps. In this regiment, the youth of Himachal Pradesh and Jammu Kashmir will be recruited. The military officers will come from the direct examination, while for the subedar, Himachal Pradesh will be recruited from the districts of Jammu and Kashmir and Pathankot of Punjab. Only the youth of Pathankot tehsil will be admitted to Pathankot district.)
Link to the above post.
We also found that the same message had gone viral in 2019 too.
NewsMobile fact-checked the viral message and found it to be false.
The Indian Army, via its official Twitter handle, explicitly clarified that the viral message is fake and they have ‘no plans’ of creating a separate Himachal Regiment.
“अफवाहों से बचें Messages on Social Media are circulating about the creation of a #Himachal #Regiment having headquarters at #Kangra. Request guard against misinformation and #Fake messages, ” they tweeted.
अफवाहों से बचें
Messages on Social Media are circulating about the creation of a #Himachal #Regiment having headquarters at #Kangra.
Request guard against misinformation and #Fake messages. pic.twitter.com/R3GkBzUnYI
— ADG PI – INDIAN ARMY (@adgpi) May 25, 2020
“There are NO such plan of creating a separate Himachal Regiment in the #IndianArmy. These Social Media messages are fake and untrue, ” the Indian Army clarified.
There are NO such plan of creating a separate Himachal Regiment in the #IndianArmy.
These Social Media messages are fake and untrue.
— ADG PI – INDIAN ARMY (@adgpi) May 25, 2020
From the above information, it is clear that the message in question is Fake and should not be circulated.
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