Following the massive JNU protests over hostel fee hike, a picture post is making rounds on social media which features an image of a room with twin single beds claiming that it is of a hostel room in Jawaharlal Nehru University.
Text on the picture in Hindi read: “आज 10Rs.में चाय समोसा नहीं मिलता और JNU के इन मुफ्तखोटों को दिल्ली जैसे शहर में 10Rs.में कमरा मिला हुआ है वो भी हमारे टेक्स के पैसों से”
(Translation: Today, you don’t even get a samosa for Rs 10 and these freeloaders of JNU get a room for Rs 10 in a city like Delhi with our taxes.)
At the time of filing this report, the above post was shared by over 12,000 Facebook users.
ALSO READ: This man in the viral picture is NOT a JNU student;…
NewsMobile fact-checked the above post and found it to be misleading.
On cropping and putting the picture of the room through a Reverse Image Search, we came across a website with a similar image which described the place as ‘Students Inn Housing’
On looking for ‘Students Inn Housing’ on Google, we found that it is a PG Accommodation in New Delhi and we found the same picture being used on its Facebook page.
Hence, the above information proves that the viral picture of the room is not of a JNU hostel.
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