Schools can’t charge fee for June, July- High Court orders? Here's the truth

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A report has been going viral on social media claiming that the High Court has ordered Private schools, to not charge fees for the months June and July.
High court order 5812 of 2015_
So( G-111)SE 2L/PS/HC/3-859/18
Date 05-03-2018
कोई भी प्राइवेट स्कूल छुट्टियों के दिनों की यानी जून जुलाई महीने की फीस नहीं ले सकेगा। अगर उस स्कूल ने मना करने बाद फीस वसूली तो उसके खिलाफ कार्यवाही होगी। जिसमे उसकी मान्यता भी रद्द हो सकती हैं। 
इसके लिए अभिभावक पुलिस में शिकायत भी कर सकते है। अगर किसी ने एडवांस में फीस जमा कर दी है तो वापिस मांग लें या फिर अगले महीने में एडजस्ट करा दे। स्कूल फीस ना दे या एडजस्ट ना करे तो पुलिस में शिकायत करे। पुलिस ना सुने तो CM विंडो पर शिकायत करे। – the message read.
(Translation – High court order 5812 of 2015_
(G-111) is 2 L / PS / HC / 3-859/18
Date 05-03-2018
Any private schools will not be able to charge the fees in the months of June and July. If the school still take fees for the mentioned months, then action will be taken against them. In which, they might lose their affiliation.
The parents can file the police complaint against the school. If you have already paid the fees, then you can ask for it to be returned or adjust the fees in the next quarter. If school refuses to cooperate, you can go to the police. If Police don’t listen to you, then you can file your complaint at CM window.
Wake up customer wake up
Share this information. Tell relatives )

When NewsMobile Fact-Checked this claim, we found that the report is from Pakistan.
Without full information, this message is being shared in India.
On 18th September 2015, a petition was filed CP D No. 5812/2015 on 18-09-2015 in Honorable High Court of Sindh at Karachi against the Generations School Illegal Enhancement of fees.
The judgement came out in April 2018. Here’s the link.

Judgment in CP 5812-2015 School Fees Case – High Court of Sindh

This shows that the viral message is misleading and is not talking about Indian schools.

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