Days after Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal announced the proposal of free public transport in the national capital, a post by a Facebook page Nirmala Sitaraman has gone viral which is critical to Delhi government and Kejriwal.
The post read: A daily wage labourer will pay his metro fare, while a rich Delhi girl will be exempted. What kind of policy is this?
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At the time of filing this report, the above post was shared by over 33,000 Facebook users.
When NewsMobile fact-checked the viral post we found that the page which shared the above post does not belong to Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman.
We found that the page which shared the viral post does not have a verification badge on it. Secondly, the name and handle of the page are different from Sitharaman’s verified Facebook Page.
Verified Page
We can further spot the difference in the profile pictures of both pages.
Hence, the above information proves that the viral post is not posted by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman.
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