Fact Checked: No, Turkish President didn't make this statement on India

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A picture has been making rounds on social media in which a quote is attributed to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan according to which he is threatening India of taking action if Muslims in India are harassed.
The text in Hindi read: “अगर भारत ने अपने देश में मुसलमानों पर जुल्म करने वालो पर क़ानूनी कार्यवाही नहीं की, हो वो ये समझ ले की हमारे सामने सभी विकल्प खुले है,” रजब तैयब|
(Translation: If India does not take legal action against people harassing Muslims in their country, they should understand that all the options are open to us.)

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When NewsMobile came across the above post, we fact-checked it and found it to be FAKE.
On putting the text on Google, we didn’t find any news report by India as well as Turkish media confirming if Erdoğan said the above statement.

We also scanned through Erdoğan’s verified Twitter handle and there also he hadn’t posted anything on the lines of what has been claimed he said.
Hence, the above information proves that viral post is FAKE.

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