Fact Check: Picture taken in a Kerala ashram falsely shared as being from New Zealand

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A picture of people sitting on floor for a meal with banana leaves laid in the front along with steel tumbler ad bowl is being shared on social media with a claim that the picture is from New Zealand.
” न्यूजीलैंड में भारतीय संस्कृति की महिमा। Importance of Bharatiya Culture in New Zealand, ” the post claimed.
Here’s the link to the above post. The post was subsequently shared by others as well.
More such posts can be seen here and here.


NewsMobile fact checked the post and found the claim to be false.
We put the image through Reverse Image Search and came across an article by Trip Advisor featuring similar pictures. According to the post, the pictures were from Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Dhanwantari Ashram in Kerela.

We then ran a keyword search and found another picture on the Facebook page of Sivananda Dhanwantari Ashram, Kerala.

We checked these pictures with the viral picture and noticed that the interior in all the pictures is the same.

Hence, based on the above fact-check, we can conclude that the picture is from Kerela and not New Zealand. The post in question therefore is FAKE.

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