Fact check: Picture of charred body from Madhya Pradesh linked to Rajasthan with false claims

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A picture of a woman’s charred body is being shared on social media with a claim that a gruesome incident took place in Rajasthan.
The post is being circulated in response to the Hathras case for which Yogi Adityanath’s government is under severe attack from the Opposition. The post in circulation, claiming to be from Rajasthan, is a counter-attack on the Congress which is at the helm of affairs in the state.
“#दरिंदगी इसे कहते हैं लेकिन…निशाना तो केवल उत्तर प्रदेश पर रहता है !! #कांग्रेस का राज्य है ना #राज्यस्थान सच्चाई देखो इन लोगों की खुद के राज्य में #आतंक मचा हुआ है लेकिन दुसरे राज्य की सरकारो को बदनाम जो करना है ढोंगी कांग्रेस को” the post claimed.
(Translation: This is called a barbarian act but the target is only on Uttar Pradesh!! Because it is the state of Congress – Rajasthan.  Look at the condition of their own state but they point fingers at another state. The hypocrite Congress has to defame the government)

Here’s the link to the above post.
Similar posts can be seen here, here, here and here.


NewsMobile fact-checked the post and found the claim to be false.
We put the picture through Google Reverse Image Search along with several relevant keywords. The search on Yandex led us to a tweet, featuring the same image.
As per the tweet, the picture is from Madhya Pradesh.

Based on this, we ran another search, this time looking for news reports from Madhya Pradesh. We found a report by Navbharat Times dated September 30, 2020, featuring a similar image.

According to the report, the incident happened in Dhar in Madhya Pradesh.
We also found a report by Zee News dated October 4 with an update on the same case.
According to the report, Dhar Superintendent of Police (SP) Aditya Pratap Singh disclosed that the woman was murdered by her friend and his accomplice as they wanted to get rid of her. 

The report states that the woman – Kesarbai – along with her friends Govind and Sohan used to run an illegal marriage bureau and get people married off in lieu of money.
However, she ran into a problem after she married off a girl to a young man known to Sohan and had charged Rs 80,000 for the marriage. But the bride ran away from home just after one month of the wedding and refused to return. When the boy’s family asked for the money to be returned, Kesarbai refused. The report stated that Sohan and Govind then killed her and burnt the body. They did not burn the face so that the body could be identified.
Hence, from the above information, it is clear that the picture is being shared with a false narrative and location.

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