Fact Check: Old picture of people living in abandoned pipes from Bangladesh shared as being from India

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A picture of people sitting in empty sewage pipes is being shared on social media with a claim that it is from India.
“Sad,.. This is the view of Indian streets, this is where the temple is built for Ram, ” one of the posts claimed in Malayalam. ( Translated via Google translate)

Link to the above post.
More links can be found here and here.


NewsMobile fact checked the post and found the claim to be false.
We ran a Reverse Image Search on the picture and found the same image in an article by the Economic Times from 2015. According to the article the picture was clicked by Faizal Azim in Bangladesh.

“Life in the circle: Some homeless people staying inside abandoned pipes. No matter how difficult life is, they still spare a smile every now and then, ” the picture caption read.
Upon further research, we found that the same picture was the winner of the Atkins CityScape Award 2014 and it was taken in 2013.

The above information proves that the picture is an old photo from Bangladesh and not India. Hence, the claim is false.

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