A post with a link to a website is circulating on social media claiming that due to the Coronavirus pandemic, students are unable to pay fees and hence, the Government is providing a scholarship of Rs 11,000 to all school and college students.
The Facebook caption read, “कोणवीरस महामारी के कारण छात्र स्कूल और कॉलेज की फीस का भुगतान करने में असामर्थ्य हैl इस्ल्ये सर्कार सभ छात्रो को Rs 11000 की मुफ्त धनराशि प्रदान कर रही हैl ताकि वह अपनी फीस आसानी से दे सके सभी छात्रों को जो स्कूल और कॉलेज में है उसे इस योजना का लाभ मिलेगा l
आप इस लिंक पर अपनी Rs 11000 की मुफ्त धनराशि प्राप्त करने क लये फॉर्म भर सकते हैl https://registration-free-scholarship.blogspot.com/
निवेदन लोगो की सुधीवा के लिये इस सन्देश को ज़्यादा से ज़्यादा शेयर करे जिससे तुम्हे इस सुधीवा का लाभ भी सकेl”
(Translation: Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the students are incapable of paying school and college fees. Thats why, the government is providing free scholarship of Rs 11,000 to all the students. You can get the benefit by registering at this link- https://registration-free-scholarship.blogspot.com/.
Share this message as much as possible)
NewsMobile fact-checked the above post and found it to be FAKE.
We first searched for the link that was given on the Facebook post.
The link on the Facebook post took us to a blog page that displayed an online registration form.
We then filled out the form and registered on the portal. For registration, you needed to provide information such as name, phone number, address and class.
After registering, the blog page took us to another page claiming that sharing the same message to ten groups will help us get the scholarship.
We found that the webpage was created on blogspot.com. It is to be noted that the government never creates a public website through blog sites. Also, the URL of a government website often has ‘gov’, ‘nic’ or ‘org’ in the end. But nothing like this appeared in the link, ‘ https://register-for-your-free-scholarship.blogspot.com/.’
Further, we found a tweet by the Press Information Bureau (PIB) dated September 22, 2020, claiming that the above website is fake.
दावा:- एक वेबसाइट पर दावा किया जा रहा है कि कोरोना महामारी के चलते केंद्र सरकार स्कूल और कॉलेजों के सभी छात्रों को उनकी फीस भरने के लिए 11,000 रुपए प्रदान कर रही है।#PIBFactCheck:- यह वेबसाइट फर्जी है। केंद्र सरकार द्वारा ऐसी कोई घोषणा नहीं की गई है। pic.twitter.com/kcD1jO8jZm
— PIB Fact Check (@PIBFactCheck) September 22, 2020
Hence, based on the above fact check, it is clear that the viral message is fake.
If you want to fact-check any story, WhatsApp it now on +91 88268 00707
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