Fact Check: Nita Ambani did NOT give Rs 200 crore for Kangana Ranaut's new studio; here's the truth

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Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) on September 9, 2020, demolished actor Kangana Ranaut’s production house in Bandra’s Pali Hills. In the backdrop of this incident,  a post is doing rounds all over social media claiming that Nita Ambani is giving Kangana Ranaut Rs 200 crores for construction of the new studio.
The Facebook caption read, ‘Nita Ambani giving 200 crores to Kangana for Building up her studio, which was broken by Sivsena Maharashtra.’

Similar posts with claims can be seen here and here.


NewsMobile fact-checked the above post and found it to be misleading.
While surfing on the web, we could not find any credible news report about Ambanis helping Kangana Ranaut.
Then we contacted the Reliance Industry Digital. The spokesperson of Reliance Industry Digital told NewsMobile that all the viral post on social media about the Ambanis helping Kangana Ranaut are false.
Hence, viral social media posts are fake. Don’t fall for false and misleading claims.

If you want to fact-check any story, WhatsApp it now on +91 88268 00707






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