Fact Check: Continuous use of hand sanitizers does not cause cancer; here's the truth

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A newspaper clipping with a claim that continuous use of sanitizers for 50-60 days can cause cancer and skin diseases.
The post comes at a time when doctors and medical professionals are advocating people to use hand sanitizers to stay safe from COVID-19.
The caption of the post reads: ’50 to 60 days of continuous use of sanitizer, risk of cancer-skin disease: Research’


NewsMobile fact-checked the above claim and found it to be FAKE.
Government sources confirmed that the information is false.

In fact, the Press Information Bureau (PIB) in a tweet, explicitly clarified, that the use of hand sanitizers does not harm humans. They further added that “hand sanitizers with 70% alcohol content is recommended for protection against #COVID” (sic).

All India Radio, on their official Twitter handle, shared the views of AIIMS Director Dr Randeep Guleria to debunk the fake claim. The doctor clarified that a hand sanitizer made using 70 per cent alcohol has no link to cancer. He further explained how it just vaporizes in some time.  He, however, appealed to the readers to avoid using sanitizers when water is available.
He also advised that one should try to avoid using hand sanitizers before consuming food with hands. Both hand sanitizer with 70% alcohol and handwashing with soap are effective mechanisms to prevent COVID-19 infection.

In conclusion, it is clear that continuous use of hand sanitizers cannot cause cancer or skin diseases, hence, the claim being made is FALSE.

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