Bitter Gourd (Kerela) juice cannot cure Coronavirus; don't believe the FAKE claim

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Amid the Coronavirus outbreak, a message is making rounds on WhatsApp and other social media platforms claiming that the COVID-19 can be cured with Bitter Gourd (Kerela) juice within 2 hours.

The text in Hindi read: “दोस्तों करोना वायरस का मिल गया इलाज साईनटिस्ट ने बताइ है केरेले का जूस पीने से करोना वायरस 2 घंटे के अन्दर लुप्त हो जाएगी इस मैसेज को पुरा भारतीय तक फैला दो|”
(Translation: “Friends, the cure for the Coronavirus has been found by the scientist. The Coronavirus can be cured within 2 hours by drinking Kerela juice. Spread this message to the entire Indian.”)

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NewsMobile fact-checked the above claim and found it to be FAKE.
The Press Information Bureau clarified that the Coronavirus CANNOT be cured by Bitter Gourd (Kerela) juice.

Hence, the above information proves that the viral claim in circulation is FAKE.

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