Amidst the violent clashes in Delhi, a post is doing rounds on social media claiming that DCP Amit Sharma, who was injured on Feb 24, 2020, during clashes between two groups in Delhi’s Gokulpuri has passed away.
” दुःखद
दिल्ली के दंगाईयों से लड़ते हुए,
शहीद DCP अमित शर्मा शहीद हो गए।” – the caption read.
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NewsMobile fact-checked the above post and found it to be Fake.
We checked online and found a tweet by newswire ANI dated Feb 25, 2020, clarifying that Shahdara DCP Amit Sharma has regained consciousness and is out of danger.
“Delhi: Shahdara DCP Amit Sharma, who was injured during clashes between two groups in Gokulpuri yesterday, is now conscious. He underwent surgery last night at a hospital and his CT Scan was done this morning. He is safe and out of danger, ” the tweet read.
Delhi: Shahdara DCP Amit Sharma, who was injured during clashes between two groups in Gokulpuri yesterday, is now conscious. He underwent a surgery last night at a hospital and his CT Scan was done this morning. He is safe and out of danger.
— ANI (@ANI) February 25, 2020
We found several media reports stating the same.
The above information proves that the viral post is fake.
If you want to fact-check any story, WhatsApp it now on +91 88268 00707
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