A picture of a traffic jam is going viral on social media. The post claims that it was taken in Germany after people abandoned their cars to protest against fuel price hike.
The test on the post reads,” In Germany, the government has increased fuel price in just one hour of time people abandoned their cars on the streets and avenues and walked home. Over a million abandoned cars, they had to lower the price when the people are smart the corrupt can’t accomplish their goals. ”
At the time of filing the report, the post had around 27,000 shares.
When the fact-checking team at NewsMobile checked this, we found it to be fake.
On putting the image through Reverse Image Search, we got to know that this picture is actually from China.
The picture is of a traffic jam during Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day celebrations in China in 2012.
On further investigation, we found that the picture is available on Rex as a stock photo.
“Traffic chaos during Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day celebrations in China – 30 Sep 2012
People stand next to their cars during a traffic jam in Shenzhen city, Guangdong province 30 Sep 2012″ the title and the caption of the photo read.
Similar pictures were also uploaded on different Media sites.
However, some sources also attribute this picture to 2010 to the 9-day long traffic jam in China in 2010. But NewsMobile independently could not verify it or find any reliable proof to support the claim.
The above information proves that the picture is not from Germany.
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