NO! A pastor was not burnt alive in Nepal for preaching the gospel; Here's the truth

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A heartwrenching image of a man being burnt alive at the stake is circulating online.
The post suggested that a pastor was burnt alive in Nepal for preaching the gospel.
“A Nepali pastor burned alive for preaching the gospel please pray for the nation. Also remember the pastor’s family in your prayers. His sacrifice should change Nepal. Keep sharing as much as possible. Amen, ” the caption read.


When NewsMobile checked the image by Google Reverse Image search, we found out that this incident took place in Ecuador and not Nepal.
This image was featured in a report filed by The Daily mail in 2006. According to the report, Mario Quishpe, a suspected thief was tied to a cross in Pelileo Grande, Ecuador, 75 miles south of Quito and was set up on fire by the mob.

The report also stated that the man was taken down by the priest and some other members of the village and was taken to the hospital.
So, even though the image is real, the information that is being circulated by it is FAKE.

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