Misleading: Idol of Maa Kali at Gate Bazar vandalised because of communal tensions? Here's the truth

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A few pictures are being shared online in which idol of Maa Kali can be seen lying on the floor and claims are being made that Maa Kali’s idol at Gate Bazar Kali Mandir in Siliguri, West Bengal was demolished.
The text also indicates that the idol was vandalised due to religious tensions.
“गेट बाजार काली मंदिर सिलीगुड़ी पश्चिम बंगाल में माँ काली की मूर्ति तोड़ दी गई। क्या कोई सेकुलर, वामी या मीडिया कुछ बोलेगी?” the text reads.
At the time of filing the report, the above post had 14,000 shares on Facebook.



NewsMobile fact-checked the post and found the post to be misleading.
We searched and found a report by Siliguri Times dated January 21, 2020. As per the reports, local spotted “bamboos inside the premises and all the items of the temple were scattered.”

NJP Police were informed and an investigation was launched.
STN Siliguri Times Now also uploaded a video and the title of the video read, ” ATTEMPTED ROBBERY IN SHIV SHAKTI KALI MANIDR IN SILIGURI BY SOME MISCREANT.”

According to a report by Prabhat Khabar, the police arrested five people in connection with the robbery.
The above information proves that the post is misleading.

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