A picture of Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan is doing the rounds on social media in which he can be seen with a minor boy. It is being claimed that the kid in the picture is the one who was seen in a heart-wrenching video in which a toddler was trying to wake up his mother, who died at the Muzaffarpur railway station.
The caption translated from Bangla read: “King Khan with that child at Muzaffarnagar station. The king of Bollywood Shah Rukh Khan stood up. Last week, at the Muzaffarpur station in Bihar a video, caused a stir In the whole country. Then the ‘king’ decided to take the responsibility of the child.”
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NewsMobile fact-checked the above picture and found that the claim attached to the picture is false.
On putting the picture through Reverse Image Search, we came across a tweet which had featured the same picture.
According to the tweet dated March 17, 2017, the picture was from Mumbai’s Nanavati Hospital.
PICS: King Khan interacting with people at Nanavati Hospital
via @iamsrkclub pic.twitter.com/Wa1LPPbxRi
— Shah Rukh Khan Universe Fan Club (@SRKUniverse) March 17, 2017
Taking a cue from the above tweet, we found that the picture was taken when Khan had launched a Bone Marrow Transplant & Birthing Centre at Nanavati Hospital in 2017.
Hence, the above information proves that the picture in question is old and the minor in the picture is NOT the toddler from the viral video from Muzaffarpur.
However, it is true that Shah Rukh Khan’s Meer Foundation extended help to the child.
Thank you all for getting us in touch with the little one. We all pray he finds strength to deal with the most unfortunate loss of a parent. I know how it feels…Our love and support is with you baby. https://t.co/2Z8aHXzRjb
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) June 1, 2020
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