A screengrab of a tweet is being shared extensively on social media in which Bollywood actor Jaaved Jaaferi is defending the vegetable sellers who put saliva on the vegetables and fruits.
“ ज़रूरी नहीं की थूक लगाकर फल और सब्ज़ी बेच रहे सभी मुस्लमान कोरोना पॉजिटिव हो |
फिर भी कुछ हिन्दू ग्राहक मुस्लमान विक्रेताओं पर बहिष्कार कर नफरत फैला रहे हैं | इतने सहिष्णु क्यों हैं आप” – the tweet read.
(Translation- It is not necessary that all Muslims putting saliva on fruits and vegetables are corona positive. Still, some Hindu customers are spreading hatred on Muslim vendors by boycotting them. Why are you so intolerant?)
When NewsMobile team fact-checked the post, we found it to be fake.
This screen shot of a tweet attributed to me is fake and insidious and made viral by the rampant #FakeNews scum. My tweets and speeches have always promoted communal harmony and in today’s trying time’s where the world unites to fight an enemy of humanity, #****off #HateMongers pic.twitter.com/Y7NIi00zmv
— Jaaved Jaaferi (@jaavedjaaferi) April 17, 2020
The above information proves that the image is morphed and the tweet in the viral post is not made by him.
If you want to fact-check any story, WhatsApp it now on +91 88268 00707