Fact check: This video of Chinese police capturing a 'coronavirus suspect' is a Mock Drill

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A video is being shared on social media in which a ‘SWAT’ team can be seen restraining a man. The claim is being made that this is an actual video of Chinese police capturing a coronavirus suspect.
“देखिए चीन में हाईवे पर कोरोना वायरस के मरीज कैसे पकड़े जाते हैं” – the caption read.
(Translation – See how coronavirus patients are caught on the highway in China )

At the time of filing the report, the above post had more than 4,000 shares on Facebook.

ALSO READ: This viral video is NOT from China and it has no…


NewsMobile fact-checked the above post and found that the video is of a MOCK drill carried out the Chinese authority.
On taking out the keyframes of the video and putting it through Reverse Image Search, we found a news bulletin by NBC News dated Feb 25, 2020.
“Chinese Police Video Shows SWAT Team Drill For Controlling Coronavirus Suspect | NBC News” – the title of the video read.

As per the video description, the video was originally poster by Police in China’s Henan province, showing a simulation of how they will deal with drivers who ignore virus checkpoints.
The above information proves that the above is not of a real arrest.

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