Fact Check: This sculpture is not from Nagvasuki Temple in Prayagraj

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A picture is being shared on social media with a claim that it is a sculpture from Nagvasuki Temple in Prayagraj.
“This is not a tree. It is carved in stone. No one knows who is the sculptor. This is in #Naga_Vasuki temple, #Prayag. We always feel proud about Tajmahal, ignoring vast #cultural_heritage which remained unnoticed even today, ” the post claimed.

Facebook posts can be seen here and here.


NewsMobile fact checked the post and found the claim to be misleading.
We put the picture through Reverse Image Search and found a Pinterest link of the same image. According to the link, the picture is of an artistic banyan tree at Utsav Rock Garden in Karnataka.

Taking a cue from the above, we checked the official website of Utsav Rock Garden and found this image on the site.

We also searched for Nagvasuki Temple which is situated in Prayagraj and after an extensive search, we did not find pictures of any such sculpture at the temple.

The above information proves that the sculpture is not from Prayagraj. Hence, the post is misleading.

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