Fact Check: This picture of people being punished for flouting lockdown is NOT from Nepal

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A picture in which a few people can be seen bound to a wooden structure is doing the rounds on social media. The post claims that the picture is from Nepal, and people are being punished for flouting lockdown rules.


NewsMobile fact-checked the above post and found the claim to be false.
On putting the image through Reverse Image Search, we found a report by The Rio Times, featuring the same image.
According to the report, the picture is from Colombia, where people who were caught wandering the streets for no reason, violating mandatory quarantine, were being punished. They were tied by the feet on a wooden structure known as a stump.
We also found several local media reports on this.

We also found several media reports stating that in Nepal, people were being put in cages for violating lockdown rules.

From the above information, we can gather that the picture is not from Nepal and hence the claim is false.

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