Fact Check: The girl in the viral video did not die because of Coronavirus

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A video of a girl is being shared on social media where she collapsed in a store and claims are being made that she was affected by Coronavirus.
“This is coronavirus, coronavirus attack her and she dead in 2 minits ,now coronavirus have China,india, malaysia, Singapore. ples everybody careful, ” the caption read.


NewsMobile fact-checked the viral video and found the claim to be false.
We took the keyframes of the video and found several reports about the same incident.
According to one of the reports, the incident is from Malaysia and the girl has been identified as Nur Izzah Izzati.
The article also stated that the victim’s uncle denied the claim of Nur Izzah Izzati collapsing and dying due to Coronavirus. We checked his Facebook profile and found a post, dated Jan 27, 2020. Sharing the same viral video, he denied the rumours and asked the people not to share the fake news.

The official twitter account of Malaysia’s Health Ministry also asked people to not share this fake news.

The above information proves that the claim attached to the viral video is fake.

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