Amid the excitement regarding the Construction of Ram Mandir, a video has been doing rounds on social media in which a few men can be seen carrying a brick on their head with a claim that they walked from Tamil Nadu to Ayodhya.
The post also claims that ‘Shri Ram’ was written on the brick they were carrying.
“आखो में खुशी के आशु आ गए मित्रो
सुदूर तमिलनाडु से सिर पर जय श्रीराम लिखीं ईंटें लेकर ये रामभक्त अयोध्या की ओर पैदल ही कूच कर गए है। प्रभु श्रीराम के इन भक्तों की भक्ति को नमन किजिए। 🚩🙏❤️ राम भक्त ले चला रे राम की” the caption read in Hindi.
NewsMobile fact-checked the post and found it to be misleading.
We put the video through InVid tool to extract the keyframes of the video. On putting the keyframes through Reverse Image Search, we found several reports dated 2019 on the same incident.
According to the report, the group started their journey on August 16, 2019, from Bangaluru. The report also identified one of the men as HS Manjunath.
We ran a search and found the same video on his Facebook page.
From the above information, we can conclude that the post is misleading as it has used an old video with a false claim.
If you want to fact-check any story, WhatsApp it now on +91 88268 00707
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