With Delhi Assembly polls round the corner, a picture of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan has surfaced on the internet with a claim that Kejriwal has joined hands with Pakistan for Delhi polls.
The caption in Hindi read: केजरीवाल को दिल्ली चुनाव जीतने के लिये पाकिस्तान से क्यो हाथ मिलाना पड़ा?
(Translation: Why did Kejriwal have to join hands with Pakistan to win Delhi elections?)
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NewsMobile fact-checked the above post and found the claim attached to the picture to be false.
On putting the picture through Reverse Image Search, we came across an article dated March 21st, 2016 on Indian Express which featured the same picture.
In conclusion, the above information proves that the picture is old and the clam attached to the picture is false.
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