Fact Check: Old news of freedom fighter Bhagat Singh's sister Prakash Kaur's death resurfaces

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A picture post is doing the rounds on social media, according to which, Prakash Kaur, the younger sister of legendary freedom fighter Bhagat Singh, passed away recently at the age of 96.

The text in Hindi on the picture read: “भगत सिंह की छोटी बहन प्रकाश कौर आज 96 की आयु में आज हमारे बीच नहीं रही किसी भी नेता राजनेता शोक नहीं जताया लेकिन आप सभी देशवासी अवश्य श्रद्धांजलि अर्पित करें”
(Translate: “Bhagat Singh’s younger sister Prakash Kaur left us today at the age of 96. No politician mourned her but all of you countrymen must pay your tributes”)
At the time of filing this report, the above post was shared over 2,400 times.

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NewsMobile fact-checked the above post and found it to be misleading.
We ran a search with keywords such as ‘Prakash Kaur’, ‘Bhagat Singh’, ‘Death’. The search led us to several news reports according to which Bhagat Singh’s sister had died in September 2014 in Canada.

Other reports can be seen here, here and here.
In conclusion, the above information proves that the viral post is misleading as Bhagat Singh’s sister Prakash Kaur had passed away almost six-year ago.

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