A video of a funeral is being shared on social media with a claim that it is of the man who beheaded history teacher Samuel Patty for showing cartoon of Prophet Muhammad to his pupil in a Paris suburb recently.
The Facebook post read, “ #பிரான்ஸ்_நாட்டில் #நபி_ஸல்லல்லாஹு_அலைஹிவஸல்லம் அவர்களை இழிவு படுத்திய ஆசிரியர், சாமுவேலை கொலை செய்த செச்சன்யா நாட்டு இளைஞர் அங்குள்ள காவல்துறையால் சுட்டுக் கொல்லப்பட்டார் ! அவரின் ஜனாசா செச்சன்யா நாட்டுக்கு கொண்டு வரப்பட்டு நல்லடக்கம் செய்யப்பட்டது ! விடைபெற்றார், ஷஹீதான அந்த இளைஞர் ! இன்னா லில்லாஹி வ இன்னா இலைஹி ராஜிஊன்”
(Google Translation: France_in_the_Nabi_Prophet_Prophet The teacher who insulted them, the Chechen youth who killed Samuel was shot dead by the police there!
His janasa was brought to Chechnya and was well received! Farewell, that young man who was martyred! Inna lillahi wa inna ilahi rajioon.)
Link to the above post was found here. The archive version can be seen here.
A similar post was found on Twitter as well.
(Google Translation: “Funeral of Martyr Abdullah Şişani, who separates the unnecessary head of the French unbeliever teacher from his body, showing the caricature satirizing the Messenger of Allah in the classroom. May Allah accept your testimony. And be my Lord Razı from the Muslims who bid farewell to their funeral. #AllahuEkber“)
Allah Resulü nü hicveden karikatürü sınıfta gösteren Fransız kafiri öğretmenin gereksiz kellesini gövdesinden ayıran Şehid Abdullah Şişani nin Cenazesi.
Allah şehadetini kabul etsin.
Ve Cenazesini Tehlillerle uğurlayan müslümanlar dan Rabbim Razı olsun#AllahuEkber pic.twitter.com/4jqBICiwSx— Emrullah Halitbeyoğlu (@elmirruh) November 4, 2020
NewsMobile fact-checked the above post and found it to be false and misleading.
With the help of InVID tool, we got the keyframe of the video. On running the keyframes of the video through Google Reverse Image Search, we found the same video on YouTube dated October 30, 2020.
YouTube Russian caption read, “ЧЕЧЕН ЙИГИТ ЖАНОЗАСИ”
Further, with the help of Russian keywords, we also found another video shared on Facebook on August 6, 2018.
Moreover, similar videos of the funeral can be seen here, here and here from 2018.
Taking the cue from the above information, we also found the picture of the same event in a news article on Caucasian Knot dated August 6, 2018, claiming that it was the funeral of Yusup Temirkhanov that was conducted on August 4, 2018. It was claimed that a man named Yusup Temirkhanov was found guilty of murdering a serviceman Yuri Budanov and the picture is of a funeral in the Chechen village of Geldagan.
Moreover, we also found pictures of the same event in another news article on The Chechen Press dated January 2, 2019, with the picture description read in Russian, “Похороны Юсупа Темирханова в чеченском селе Гелдаган 4 августа. Фото: НИАА Объектив /YouTube”
Google Translation: “The funeral of Yusup Temirkhanov in the Chechen village of Geldagan on August 4. Photo: NIAA Objective / YouTube”
Similar pictures of the same incident was found here.
We then compared the screenshot of the viral video and the original video.
For further confirmation, we also searched for the mosque on Google maps and compared the viral video. On comparing the viral video and Google maps picture, we can clearly see that the location is the same.
Hence, with the help of the above information, we found that the viral video in question is false and misleading.
If you want to fact-check any story, WhatsApp it now on +91 88268 00707
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