Following reports of communal clashes in West Bengals’ Telinipara, a video is being shared on social media, in which a few people are brutally thrashing a man. Claims are being made that the video is from West Bengal and Hindus are being assaulted there.
” पश्चिम बंगाल में हिन्दुओं को चुन चुन कर, तडपा तडपा कर मारा जा रहा है. ये तब है जब केंद्र में हिन्दू राष्ट्रवादी पार्टी पूर्ण बहुमत के साथ है, मोदी जी क्यूँ मूकदर्शक बने हुए है?? और कितना विश्वास जीतना है आपको जिहादियों का?”: the caption read.
NewsMobile fact-checked the above video and found the claim to be false.
We extracted keyframes of the video via InVid and put them through Reverse Image Search. On Yandex (Russian search engine), we found a Facebook link that took us back to the same video, mentioned above.
The video was uploaded on Facebook on March 27, 2019, by a Bangladeshi page, with the caption, “Auto thief caught and beaten to death Is it okay to die like that ?? What do you think ???” (translated from Bangla using Google Translations).
The same video was uploaded by numerous Facebook Pages and users from Bangladesh in 2019.
NewsMobile independently couldn’t verify the origin and location of the video but from the above information, we can establish that the video is old.
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