Fact Check: Did Taiwan shoot down a Chinese SU-35 fighter jet? Here's the truth

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A post is doing the rounds on social media with a claim that Taiwan shot down a Chinese Su-35 fighter. The posts were being shared with a video of a jet engulfed in smoke.
“Taiwan / US Air Defence System shot down Chinese SU KAI 35 Fighter jet……The pilot was seriously injured in the crash of the Chinese PLA’s Su Kai 35 fighter jet flying over the Taiwan Strait and the South China ….” the post claimed.

Here’s the link to the above post (archive).
More posts can be seen here and here.


NewsMobile fact checked the post and found it to be misleading and false.
After the posts went viral on social media, Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense, R.O.C took to Twitter to refute the fake posts.
“In response to rumors online that claim a Chinese Su-35 fighter jet had been shot down by Taiwan air defense systems, #ROCAirForce would like to categorically state this is fake news. We urge netizens to not spread it and strongly condemn this malicious act,” they tweeted. 

The same was reiterated in the Press Release by Taiwan’ Ministry of National Defense.

NewsMobile independently couldn’t verify the location or the origin of the video in circulation. However, the above fact check proves that the post in question is misleading.

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