Fact Check: Did Kamala Harris extend support to protesting farmers in India? Here's the truth

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A tweet attributed to US Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris is being shared on social media wherein she has, supposedly, supported protesting farmers in India and reprimanded the Indian government for using force against them.
“We are shocked to see the Indian government’s suppression of farmers protesting new laws which will endanger their livelihood. Instead of using water cannons and tear gas, the Indian government needs to engage in open dialogue with farmers,” the tweet read.

Here’s the link to the above post.
More post can be seen here, here, here, here and here.


NewsMobile fact-checked the post and found the claim to be false.
We ran a keyword search but did not find any media report to support the claim. Instead, the search led us to the same tweet, which was uploaded by Canadian MP Jack Harris.
“We are shocked to see the Indian government’s suppression of farmers protesting new laws which will endanger their livelihood. Instead of using water cannons and tear gas, the Indian government needs to engage in open dialogue with farmers, ” his tweet read.
We then compared Jack Harris’ tweet with that attributed to Kamala and found that they were exactly the same and the date and time of both the tweets was also same.

Moreover, one of the Facebook posts (archive) shared a screenshot, where another Twitter user had also replied with pictures from the farmers’ protest (some of which are old). Upon inspecting, we found that the same reply was also present on Jack Harris’ tweet.

Moreover, when we scanned through Kamala Harris’ social media pages, we did not find any such post. However, on November 27, in a tweet, she lauded efforts of the farm workers and the food bank staff of the US.

Hence, from the above fact check, it is clear that the screenshot of the tweet in circulation is false.

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