Following heavy rains in Delhi, a picture post has surfaced on the internet in which Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal can be seen in a vest standing in knee-deep water in an underpass.
The text on the picture read: “ये जो दिल्ली मैं बारिश हो रही है, हमने कराई है! हमार फ़्री पानी का वादा पूरा हुआ!”
(Translation: “We have made it rain in Delhi! Our promise of giving free water is fulfilled!”)
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NewsMobile fact checked the above post and found it to be FAKE.
We started our investigation by cropping the picture of Kejriwal and putting it through Reverse Image Search. The search led us to the original picture which is NOT of Delhi Chief Minister.
On digging further, we found the same picture in a news report by The Indian Express dated July 17, 2016.
According to the report, the picture was taken on July 16, 2016, when a bus got stranded at a waterlogged underpass near Sarita Vihar in New Delhi. The man in the picture is the driver of the bus, Rajinder.
In the above FAKE vs REAL collage, it is clear that Chief Minister Kejriwal’s face was superimposed on the man’s (Rajinder) face using photo editing software.
Moreover, there was NO report or any social media post of Arvind Kejriwal either getting stranded in the waterlogged underpass or making the above statement.
Hence, we can conclude that the post in question is FAKE as the picture of Delhi CM is morphed and the statement is being falsely attributed to him.
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