A screenshot of a tweet by business tycoon, Ratan Tata, is being shared online.
” 65 सैनिकों की मौत से जिस देश के प्रधानमंत्री की लोकप्रियता बढी हो, उस देश को बर्बाद होने से कोई नई रोक सकता ” – the tweet read.
(Translation – No one can save a country from destruction if the death of 65 soldiers make its PM even more popular among the public)
“देश के एक उद्योगपति ने ट्वीट किया उसकी सोच से देखे भारत का भविष्य !” the text accompanying the screenshot read.
We started our investigation by checking out the official Twitter account of Ratan Tata.
We noted that the official Twitter Handle of Ratan N. Tata is @RNTata2000, whereas in the screenshot it is ‘@Rntata200′.
Also in the screenshot, the date of the tweet is March 13.
However, on his official Twitter account, there is no tweet from that day.
This shows that the screenshot of the tweet is FAKE and should not be shared.
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