Celine Dion 'death' story is just a hoax, don't fall for it!

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A news report is doing rounds on social media that claims singer Celine Dion has died in a plane crash.

The video has been viewed more than 16 lakh times and received over 5,300 shares.


NewsMobile did a fact check and found the claim attached to it to be FAKE.
Dion is active on Twitter, as one can see her latest tweets posted was on November 10.

The hoax post went viral in the first week of November for the Canadian singer had concerts around that time. On November 6, she tweeted saying, Thank you Detroit for an incredible evening! We’ll be on stage on Nov. 18 in Montreal! Can’t wait!
No credible news channel has run any news recently about the singer’s death.
Hence, the above information proves that the singer is alive and no such plane crash took place. The viral report has been falsely attributed to CNN.

If you want to fact-check any story, WhatsApp it now on +91 88268 00707






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