Are these women the ministers in Finland’s new government? Here's the truth

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A picture of four women is being shared online with a claim that they are the new ministers of Finland.

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“Meet the New Government of Finland….. From left to right:
Minister of Education Li Anderson (32)
Minister of Finance Karti kulumuni (32)
Prime Minister Sanna Marin (34) and
Minister of internal Affairs Maria Ohisalo(34)” – the caption read.


NewsMobile fact-checked the above post and found it to be fake.
A simple Google Search let us to a Forbes article dated Dec 12, 2019, titled, “Finland’s New Government Is Young And Led By Women—Here’s What The Country Does To Promote Diversity. ”
The article featured an image of four different women and the caption read, “All in their thirties: These women have a country to run. (From left to right) Finland’s Minister of Education Li Andersson, 32; Minister of Finance Katri Kulmuni, 32; Prime Minister Sanna Marin, 34; and Interior Minister Maria Ohisal, 34.  VESA MOILANEN/LEHTIKUVA/AFP/GETTY IMAGES.”

We also checked the official website of the Finnish Government to confirm the identity of the ministers.

Sanna Marin – Prime Minister

Li Andersson – Minister of Education

Maria Ohisalo – Minister of the Interior

Katri Kulmuni – Minister of Finance

On further investigation, we found that the women in the viral picture are Twins Prisma & Princy and Deepa & Damanta, TikTok stars from Nepal.

On of the Twins also uploaded the original picture on her Facebook page on March 31, 2019.

The above information proves that wrong pictures of Finland’s ministers are being circulated online and hence the post is false.

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