Were cops beaten up for enforcing lockdown? Here's the truth behind these pictures

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A few pictures, where a man can be seen beating a cop, is being circulated online. The text attached to the caption claims that the pictures were taken in Uttar Pradesh when a sub-inspector and three constables were beaten up for enforcing the lockdown.


NewsMobile fact-checked the above post and found the claim to be misleading.
We put the image through Reverse Image Serch and found that the first three images were taken in 2017.
According to a report by The Mirror, in 2017, a girl was allegedly raped in an intensive care unit (ICU) of Jagriti Hospital in Kanpur. These pictures were taken when an angry mob rioted and attacked the police.

On further investigation, we found that a sub-inspector and three constables were indeed injured when some people attacked them while they were trying to enforce lockdown in the Morna area in Muzaffarnagar on April 1.

The above information proves that even though the incident is true, most of the pictures being circulated along with the news, is from an old post. Hence, the above post is misleading.

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