Weapons recovered from the RSS office in Delhi? Here’s the truth behind these picture

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After the recent Delhi riots, several pictures of weapons is being circulated on social media with a claim that they were recovered from the RSS office in Delhi.

“दिल्ली के झंडे वाला में स्थित#RSS# के ऑफिस से बरामद हुई इतनी ज्यादा तादाद हथियारों की, इन हथियारों को देख करके ये अंदाजा लगाया जा सकता है कि गोडसे की औलाद फिर से दिल्ली में दंगा कराने की योजना बना रहे हैं मुसलमान तैयार हो जाओ एक हो जाओ” – the caption read.

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NewsMobile fact-checked the above post and found that the pictures are old.
On putting the individual pictures through Reverse Image Search, we found the following:
Image 1

This image a 2016 picture from Rajkot, Gujarat, when weapons were seized from a store.

Image 2

We found that this picture is from a ‘kirpan’ factory in Patiala, Punjab. This picture was featured in an India Today article dated 2018.
The above information proves that the viral post is fake.

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