Old video of a man spitting in a bottle resurfaces with FAKE claim related to COVID-19

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Amid the Coronavirus outbreak, a video has surfaced on the internet in which a man can be seen spitting in a bottle at a supermart and keeping it back on the shelf in an attempt to spread COVID-19.


NewsMobile fact-checked the above and found that the claim attached to the video is false.
On putting the keyframes of the video through Reverse Image Search, we came across several news reports from July 2019, that featured the same video.

The reports can be seen here and here.
The above reports suggest that the incident took place in July 2019 in Texas when a teen was charged with felony for spitting in a tea bottle and then putting it back on the supermarket shelf.
The video went viral in July 2019 when several Twitter users posted the same video.

Hence, the above information proves that the video in question is old and it is not related to Coronavirus.

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