Is this the funeral of Hyderabad rape victim? Here's the truth behind this video

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A video of a funeral pyre is being shared online with a claim that the clip is from the last rites of the veterinary doctor from Hyderabad who was raped and murdered by four men while she was going home from work on the evening of November 27.


NewsMobile fact-checked the video and found the claim attached to it to be false.
We put the video through InVID tool and then put the key screengrabs through Reverse Image Search. The result led us to a video uploaded on YouTube on November 26, 2019, with the title, ” मैं जला हुआ राख नहीं, अमर दीप हूँ जो मिट गया वतन पर, मैं वो शहीद हूँ शहीद.

We then ran a search using relevant keywords and found several videos claiming that this video is of the last rites of martyr Peera Ram.

Peera Ram was martyred on November 24, 2019, due to an avalanche in Tangdhar area in Jammu and Kashmir. His last rites were performed in his native village of Barmer in Rajasthan.
We also found a news bulletin by ZeeRajasthan and A1 TV News on the same.

Deputy Chief Minister Sachin Pilot took to Twitter to pay respects to the 29-year-old jawan.

The above information proves that the viral clip is not from the last rites of Hyderabad rape victim, Disha (a pseudonym given by the media) and hence the claim is fake.

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