Has the lockdown been extended till May 4, 2020? Here’s the truth

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A screenshot of a news bulletin by a media organization is doing the rounds on social media, according to which, the lockdown has been extended to May 4, 2020.




NewsMobile fact-checked the above post and found that the graphic is morphed.
The graphic claims to be from India Today, so we ran a search on YouTube and found that the original video from where the screenshot has been picked up, is edited.

The video is of PM Modi’s address to the nation on 24 March 2020, where he announced the 21-day lockdown.
Moreover, Cabinet Secretary Rajiv Gauba, on March 30, 2020, clarified that the government had no plans of extending the lockdown.

In conclusion, we can say that-

  1. The graphic is morphed
  2. At the time of filing the report, no such announcements were made.
  3. As of March 30, 2020, the government had no plans of extending the lockdown

The above information proves that the viral screenshot is fake.

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