After Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal was slapped by a man in Delhi’s Moti Nagar area on Saturday a post started surfacing on the internet. The post indicated that the man in the picture wearing a red t-shirt was the one who slapped Kejriwal.
The caption read- “केजरीवाल के चेहरे पे हाथ का पंजा छापने वाला उन्ही की पार्टी का कार्यकर्ता निकला…..
ये वोट पाने के लिए केजरीवाल का रचा हुआ ड्रामा था…”
(Translation- The person who slapped Kejriwal was their party worker…this was a drama by Kejriwal to get votes)
When our team of fact-checkers investigated the post, we found that the claim was FALSE.
On putting the picture through Reverse Image Search, we found the Facebook account of the person in the picture.
The man in the picture is Sushil Chauhan, president of AAP’s Jhuggi Jhopdi Cell, Delhi. He has posted the same picture from a different angle.
We also found a tweet by ANI, in which it is mentioned that the man who slapped Kejriwal was identified as Suresh.
Hansraj Gadia Lohar, brother-in-law of Suresh – man who slapped Delhi CM: He shares everything with me but had never told me that he’ll do something like this. But he had once told me leaders make tall promises but no one fulfills them. He isn’t affiliated to any political party
— ANI (@ANI) May 4, 2019
This proves that the person in the viral post and the person who slapped Kejriwal are different.
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