Fact Check: Photo of a man with claim that 'he died due to starvation amid lockdown' is old

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picture post of a man, half hanging from a rickshaw, is being shared online with a claim that he died due to starvation amid the ongoing national lockdown to contain COVID-19.
The text on the picture read: “मैंने पहले ही कहा था साहब, कोरोना क्या है, भूख से ही मर जाएंगे पहले
(Translation- I said this earlier too, what is Corona? Starvation will kill people)

At the time of filing this report, the above post had been shared by 20,000 people.


NewsMobile fact-checked the picture and found that the claim is fake.
On putting the picture through Reverse Image Search, we found the original picture on a social media website, Steemit, dated September 19, 2017.


The caption on the photo read: “See the sleeping posture of the rickshaw puller after getting drunk.”
Though NewsMobile could not independently verify the origin of the picture, but, the above information establishes that the picture in question is old as it was already on the internet much before the lockdown came into effect in India.

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