A picture of an Indian Journalist, Ravish Kumar, is being circulated on social media with a claim that he was protesting in the ongoing farmers’ agitation, against Modi government.
“निष्पक्ष पत्रकारिता के महामहिम एक पार्टी के बैनर तले बिरयानी के लिए पदयात्रा करते नजर आए..क्या मोदी राज में एक निष्पक्ष पत्रकार को बिरयानी के लिए अब ये सब करना पड़ेगा..घोर निंदनिय, ” the post read in Hindi.
(Translation: His Excellency of fair journalism was seen walking for Biryani under the banner of a party…This is what a fair journalist in Modi’s rule has to do all this for Biryani now.. Very condemnable)
Here’s the link to the above post.
More posts can be seen here, here, here, here and here.
NewsMobile fact-checked the post and found the claim to be false.
The first thing we noticed in the video was that no one was wearing a mask, not even Ravish Kumar. This itself raised a red flag.
We then noticed the people in the picture, who were holding flags of All India Kisan Sabha. So, based on that, we ran a keyword search.
The search led us to a tweet from 2018, featuring the same image.
“Among the farmers, Ravish Kumar was the only journalist to be seen, and the rest were hidden in Modi’s pyjamas,” the tweet read in Hindi.
किसानो के बीच मे रवीश कुमार ही अकेले पत्रकार दिखे बाकी तो मोदी के पजामे मे छिप गये pic.twitter.com/z9YI0oueC0
— आनंद सिंह (आज़ाद दस्ता) (@anandpassion) November 30, 2018
We then ran another keyword search and found report by NDTV, uploaded on November 29, 2018.
“Prime Time With Ravish Kumar, Nov 29, 2018 | Ground Report of Kisan Mukti March in Delhi,” the headline read.
We carefully analysed the video and realised that Ravish Kumar was wearing the same clothes in the video and in the viral picture. While, in the background, people can be seen carrying All India Kisan Sabha’s flag.
This proves that an old image is being circulated on social media with a false and misleading narrative.
Over the past few days, NewsMobile has debunked several videos and pictures which are being circulated online in relation to the ongoing farmers’ protest. We would request our readers to always verify the information before sharing it.
If you want to fact-check any story, WhatsApp it now on +91 11 7127 9799
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