Fact Check: Morphed picture of the Shiv Linga between two mountains shared with false claims

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A picture of Shiv Linga, mounted between two mountains has gone viral all over social media claiming that this is a beautiful architecture designed in India.
The Facebook caption read, “#ओम्_शिवा— #अद्भुत,#अकल्पनीय।।आरम्भ भी अंत भी,शांत भी प्रचंड भी ।।#दक्षिणी_भारत में दो पहाड़ो के बीच स्थित शिवलिंग,देखो सनातनियों हमारे पूर्वजों ने कितनी मेहनत व कितनी अद्भुत महान वास्तुकला का हमे परिचय करवाया और विरासत में हमारे लिए इतने अद्भुत अजूबे हमारे लिए छोड़कर गए है।हमारा दुर्भाग्य ये रहा कि हमारे इतिहास के खिलाफ राजनीतिक षड्यंत्र रचे गए और इतिहास लेखन का कार्य #वामपंथियों को दिया गया और इन सब चीजों को उन्होंने सिर्फ दफन करने का कार्य किया है,आज इनको हमे हर व्यक्ति तक पहुचाने की आवश्यकता है, और इनको संरक्षण दिलवाना हमारा कर्तव्य है। जागो हिन्दू जागो हिन्दू जगेगा देश जगेगा देश बचेगा।
(Translation: Beginning and end, calm and fierce. Shiv linga located between two mountains in #South _ India, look at the Sanatanis, how our ancestors have introduced us to the great architecture and have left such wonderful wonders for us. Our misfortune is that political conspiracy was created against our history and the history was written by wingers and they have done everything just to bury it. Today we need to reach to everyone, and it is our duty to protect them. Wake up Hindus, only then our country will survive.)

Other similar posts were found here, here, here, here and here.


NewsMobile fact-checked the above post and found it to be morphed.
We got the first clue when we saw a comment on one of the social media posts claiming that this picture is photoshopped.

On putting the picture through Google Reverse Image Search, we found the real picture on Pinterest. As per the post, the picture is from Norway.

On digging further, we also found the same picture on Amongrf claiming that the picture is of the Majestic Hanging stone in Kjerag, Norway.

We also found the same picture of a piece of rock nestled between two mountains on DAMSEL IN DIOR claiming to be from Norway.
With the help of FAKE vs REAL collage, we can clearly see that the picture has been morphed. The original picture does not have a shiv linga on it.

For further confirmation, we searched ‘Kjerag, Norway’ on Google Maps and found the same picture of a piece of rock between two mountains.

On comparing the Real picture and Google Maps picture, it is confirmed that the picture of rock stuck between two mountains is from Norway, not India, and that it is only a stone, with no Shiv Linga made on it.

Hence, the social media post in question is fake.

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