Fact Check: Has ICMR issued these COVID-19 guidelines? Don't believe this fake forward

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A content-based post is doing rounds on social media claiming that the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has issued a public notice in which certain guidelines need to be followed.
The social media content reads: “Indian Council of Medical Research New Delhi”
Please read carefully Some very important points:
1. Postpone travel abroad for 2 years.
2. Do not eat outside food for 1 year.
3. Do not go to unnecessary marriage or other similar ceremony.
4. Do not take unnecessary travel trips.
5. Do not go to a crowded place for at least 1 year.
6. Completely follow social distancing norms.
7. Stay away from a person who has cough.
8. Keep the face mask on.
9. Be very careful in the current one week.
10. Do not let the any mess around you.
11. Prefer vegetarian food.
12. Do not go to the Cinema, Mall, Crowded Market for 6 Months now. If possible, Park, Party, etc. should also be avoided..
13. Increase immunity..
14. be very care full while at Barber shop or at beauty Salon parlour..
15. Avoid Unnecessary Meetings, Always keep in mind Social Distancing..
16. The threat of *CORONA* is not going to end soon.
17. Don’t wear belt, rings, wrist watch, when you go out. Watch is not required. Your mobile has got time.
18. No hand kerchief. Take sanitiser & tissue if required.
19. Don’t bring the shoes into your house. Leave them outside.
20. Clean your hands & legs when you come home from outside.
21.When you feel you have come nearer to a suspected patient take a thorough bath.
Lockdown or no lockdown next 6 months to 12 months follow these precautions. Share this with all your family & friends.”

A similar post was found on Twitter as well.

Also, this post can be seen on Pinterest.


NewsMobile fact-checked the above post and found it to be fake and misleading.
We searched the updates on ICMR website to find any such guidelines. On the ICMR website, we could not find any press release or public notification regarding the twenty-one pointer guidelines that is viral on social media.

To be completely sure about the veracity of this news, NewsMobile spoke to Dr. Rajni Kant, Head of Policy Planning, ICMR, for details regarding the viral post. He told us the social media guidelines, mentioned in the viral post, are fake and have not been issued by ICMR.
Hence, it is clear that the twenty-one pointer guidelines were not issued by ICMR. Don’t fall for FAKE claims.

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