Fact Check: Does wearing a mask reduces your oxygen intake? Here's the truth

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Multiple posts have been doing the rounds on social media claiming that wearing a mask to protect oneself from getting the COVID-19 can reduce oxygen intake.


NewsMobile fact-checked the post and found it to be misleading.
We Googled the keywords “masks reduce oxygen” and came across a video posted by the online news platform Now This, which shows a surgical doctor Joshua Wolrich from UK’s National Health Service clarifying that wearing a mask does not reduce oxygen intake.
He shows this using a device that shows the oxygen saturation levels in the blood.

The doctor shows that his oxygen saturation levels before and after wearing a mask are constant at 99. He says anything between 94-100 is considered good. He urges people to not believe rumors and wear masks as they protect us and those around us.
Multiple other news reports had cited Dr. Wolrish and his video as well.
Hence that claims that masks reduce oxygen intake are misleading.

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