'Don't worry about profit or loss, 2020 is the year to survive.' Did Ratan Tata say this? Here's a Fact Check

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Amid the nationwide lockdown due to coronavirus, a quote attributed to industrialist Ratan Tata is doing the rounds on social media.
The quote starts with- “2020 जीवित रहने का साल है,लाभ-हानि की चिंता न करें
(Translation- 2020 is the year to survive, don’t worry about profit or loss)
It further reads, “व्यावसायिक पेशेवरों के लिए टाटा ट्रस्ट के चेयरमैन रतन टाटा ने लघु संदेश जारी किया है. इसमें उन्होंने व्यापार करने वाले उद्योग संचालन करने वाले को प्रेरित किया है. अपने लघु संदेश में रतन टाटा ने कहा कि व्यापार की दुनिया के मेरे प्रिय दोस्त 2020 बस जीवित रहने का वर्ष है, साल आप लाभ और हानि के बारे में चिंता मत करें. सपने और योजनाओं के बारे में भी बात ना करें. इस वर्ष अपने आप को जीवित रखना सबसे महत्वपूर्ण है. जीवित रहना एक लाभ बनाने जैसा ही है “
(Tranlation- Tata Trust Chairman, Ratan Tata, has issued a short message for business professionals. In this, he has inspired the businessmen who run business. In his short message, Ratan Tata said that my dear friend in the business world, 2020 is just a year of survival, this year you don’t worry about profit and loss. Don’t even talk about dreams and plans. It is most important to keep yourself alive this year. Surviving is like making a profit)

We found a video post with a similar claim on social media.


NewsMobile fact-checked the above post and found that the comments have been falsely attributed to Ratan Tata.
Ratan Tata himself took to his verified Twitter handle to clarify that he did not make this particular statement.
“I’m afraid this too, has not been said by me. I will endeavour to call out fake news whenever I can, but would encourage you to always verify news sources. My picture alongside a quote does not guarantee me having said it, a problem that many people face,” Ratan Tata said in a tweet.

In conclusion, it is clear that this particular comment being attributed to Ratan Tata is FAKE.

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